Conspiracy Bad news about nagolbud

why are the articles gone what do you think happened to him?
Death by pager sent by you know who

Still, kind of strange how the site is all jumbled up but not offline entirely.
He probably ran out of his funds and has to become a wagie, so he deleted those conspiracy articles because no one would hire him if they find out his real thought.
i doubt they could trace it back to him considering spics wouldn't care about that and i doubt they have any way to even connect it to him unless he has some promotional banner in his jungle farm
i really want to think xe is taking a rest or something and xe didn't end up dismembered by a cartel but we will see that when they record xer execution
@nagolbud what happened to your articles?

Search engines were de-indexing them anyway... moving on to greener pastures. People don't acknowledge the truth via facts. Rather focus on creative adventures than waste time larping into the wind.. internet has become stale and boring, beta boys acting tough, meanwhile I'm floating around in a kayak fishing an shit. Why be bothered by any of it lol.