Did Atatürk just BTFO all of Britian's anti-türk arguments?
>Explains how British are obsessed about türkiye
>Explains how churchill lost the Gallipoli campaign
>Explains how Britian lost The siege of Medina
>Explains how all of their attempts at trying to start a revolution in türkiye failed
>Explains how Britian got raped in Turkish War of Independence
>Explains how Britian used dirty tactics to try to win the war (failed)
Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculous claims about türks? By all means. watch the whole video. i promise you that you can't debunk it.
>inb4 I get called a türkroach
>inb4 "whiter than you mohammed"
>inb4 a guy with a portugal flag starts leaking
>inb4 I get called a tranny fucker
>inb4 Britcucks start leaking
>inb4 T. E. Lawrence tries to bomb the railroads again just to loot the artifacts from Medina
>inb4 armenicucks post here just to glaze their owner britcucks
>inb4 greek seethe ITT because they can't even win against atatürk while getting billions of dollars from Western countries