Atlantis, or "Hyperborea" was a real place according to the Greeks

1Based Frog1

Well-known member
“In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. This island, the account continues, is situated in the north and is inhabited by the Hyperboreans, who are called by that name because their home is beyond the point whence the north wind (Boreas) blows; and the island is both fertile and productive of every crop, and has a temperate climate.” - Hecateaus of Abdera

Let's ignore the typical alien conspiracy master race stuff and focus on references to Hyperborea according to real historical figures.

The Greeks cited Hyperborea as a mystical place beyond the north; Where the sun shone for 24 hours a day. The earliest mention of the continent was from the Greek philosopher Herodotus'. Who recorded his findings in 450 BC. (More citings can be found here:

In addition, maps were made by cartographers who compiled information they had gathered from explorers and geographers.

1492 Martin of Bohemia Globe

1565 Americae Pars Borealis


1570 Ortelius Europe Scandinavia

1587 Urbano Monte's World Map

It's interesting to note these maps paint what we call Antarctica today, as a continent separated by four rivers.

More information will be added as I find it.
they actually found antlantis in the 1980s irl
marging hard
“In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. This island, the account continues, is situated in the north and is inhabited by the Hyperboreans, who are called by that name because their home is beyond the point whence the north wind (Boreas) blows; and the island is both fertile and productive of every crop, and has a temperate climate.” - Hecateaus of Abdera

Let's ignore the typical alien conspiracy master race stuff and focus on references to Hyperborea according to real historical figures.

The Greeks cited Hyperborea as a mystical place beyond the north; Where the sun shone for 24 hours a day. The earliest mention of the continent was from the Greek philosopher Herodotus'. Who recorded his findings in 450 BC. (More citings can be found here:

In addition, maps were made by cartographers who compiled information they had gathered from explorers and geographers.

1492 Martin of Bohemia Globe
View attachment 1981

1565 Americae Pars Borealis

View attachment 1982

1570 Ortelius Europe Scandinavia
View attachment 1983

1587 Urbano Monte's World Map
View attachment 1984

It's interesting to note these maps paint what we call Antarctica today, as a continent separated by four rivers.

More information will be added as I find it.
its real and it awaits me
Beats me. I’m just theorizing because the governments of the world clearly don’t want anyone to explore Antarctica freely. It’s possible that whatever is up there could bring into question the current status quo. Like aliens or the Earth being flat.
It’s impossible for the Greeks to have been able to describe any of that because Atlantis sunk underwater over 10,000 years ago.
ancient gayreeks

proto furfags that goon to mythologies doe


View attachment 2049
just look at the classic greek mythology and tell me it wasn't fapfic, I don't hate all pagans but the greek one is so cringe it should've just stayed dead as it was.
ancient gayreeks were proto furfags that goon to mythologies doe. I don't trust anything they've said.
Excerpt from the Roman poet Martial's Epigrams, 7.67.1.

“That tribade Philainis sodomizes boys,

and with more rage than a husband in his stiffened lust,

she works eleven girls roughly every day.”

So the author here talks about a supposedly greek lesbian woman named Philainis who "sodomizes boys" and also sleeps with roughly 11 women every day. And this is basically goon material for Martial's audience. And then chuds out here will defend this kind of monstrosity by saying ancient greeks/romans were definitely not gay or pedophilic in the slightest. Just seems like a silly hill to die on really.
Excerpt from the Roman poet Martial's Epigrams, 7.67.1.

“That tribade Philainis sodomizes boys,

and with more rage than a husband in his stiffened lust,

she works eleven girls roughly every day.”

So the author here talks about a supposedly greek lesbian woman named Philainis who "sodomizes boys" and also sleeps with roughly 11 women every day. And this is basically goon material for Martial's audience. And then chuds out here will defend this kind of monstrosity by saying ancient greeks/romans were definitely not gay or pedophilic in the slightest. Just seems like a silly hill to die on really.
Every soyciety has degenerates hiding in the corner. Doesn’t mean we should throw away all the good they provided especially when most of the population was completely normal.