Politics Asian women and white cockru

1Based Frog1

Well-known member
White-worshipping by East Asian cunts is a relatively recent phenomenon, the product of globoshlomo schemes by the usual suspects who manipulate mass media to sustain a perpetual slave class of goy cattle. Chinkesses did not idolise white cock during the Century of Humiliation when Europeans were openly outperforming Chinks in all matters cultural, economic, military and basically every other metric imaginable, even though they would have had entirely rational grounds for doing so. Rich chinkess stacies who studied abroad in Europe and America, like then painter Georgette Chen (nee Zhang Liying), Madame Wellington Koo and the Soong sisters, went back to China after completing school and married high status chinks.

Globoshlomo openly promote White Male Asian Female race-mixing here in Asia using the kikepitalist corporations they control as mouthpieces to pay for ads featuring WMAF couples, so the kikes can hide behind "muh free market" kikeconomics sophistry when the socially conservative folks here are predictably outraged, arguing along the lines of "um sweaty if WMAF representation wasn't profitable and appealing to most consumers, companies wouldn't have spent so much money paying for the ad!". (When it's no secret that kikepitalists declare negative profits to evade taxes and exploit other arcane tax law loopholes only they and their accountants have detailed knowledge of.) They've gotten particular brazen with the WMAF propaganda only in the past 5 years, I used to watch TV and flick through print newspapers all the time c. 2008-2014 and can attest that ads and commercials always used either AMAF couples or just Whites. Case in point: there was a commercial for Ferrero Rocher chocolates featuring a pair of chinkess and shitalian race traitors was launched for 2020's Chinese New Year season, and irked enough chinks that they searched up the official youtube channel to mass "Dislike" the video and flooded the comments section with my kind of rants before the comments section was closed down.

You would think the company learned their lesson about "offending Asian cultural sensibilities" or whatever, but no, they re-aired the 2020 commercial for 2021 Chinese New Year, this time making sure to disable comments from the get-go, and in 2022 made an even more heavy-handed romance-themed commercial featuring the same WMAF couple. Both videos got about 40x more "Dislike"s than thumbs up, and Jewtube probably removed the Dislikes count on video to prevent a repeat of this situation where hundreds of outraged goys collectively downvote globoshlomo garbage.

I said I watched a lot of broadcast tv circa 2008-2014, so I distinctly remember the longstanding Ferrero Rocher chocolates commercial that aired during those years was a short simple feel-good story of an Italian chef making chocolates out of love for his (White) daughter and family, not this mutt dating and romance shit.

Asian-Americans are more susceptible to race-mixing propaganda than Asians in Asia but the majority of AAPI foids also don't marry outside their own ethnicity, only 2 groups, Japanese-American females and Filipinas, marry a higher proportion of white cockru than their own men. I expected more from the Japs but I guess they took the honorary Aryan thing seriously and completely assimilated into White American culture, they've been in the USA longer than other Asian groups too so more exposure to pro-miscegenation brainwashing.

Chink cope thread, albeit he's not wrong in saying asian women don't crave white cock. They crave african BVLLS instead of tiny wypipo peckers.
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Chink cope thread, albeit he's not wrong in saying asian women don't crave white cock. They crave african BVLLS instead of tiny wypipo peckers.
This is true. Asian’s have allowed African culture to influence their own. Look at their music, their clothes, heck, even their adult entertainment industry has succumbed to race mixing propaganda.